Deus 2nd Annual 9ft and Single Log Fest

Deus 2nd Annual 9ft and Single Log Fest

Long overdue but well worth the wait, we can finally present the Deus 2nd Annual 9ft and Single Log Fest video… but it’s not like you could ever forget it if you were there… It was one hell of a weekend, perhaps even the best weekend we’ve this summer here at Deus… the night before the comp we premiered Jack Coleman’s new movie, followed by a Q&A session with Bob McTavish and Rich Pavel. And let’s not forget the fish fry board swap and Jared Mell showing us all how he could pull off wearing jeans while surfing. Surfers, shapers, and artists filled the Temple the morning of the main event.

With old friends reunited, and new friends being made, the atmosphere was perfect for one of the finest displays of wave riding finesse we’ve seen at our local break. Blessed with finely groomed swell for the entire week before the Log Fest, the surfers had already had plenty of time to tweak their styles and nail some new moves, and the waves were still pumping when competition day rolled around.

Thick lips were chucking over all day long, good vibrations flowed thick from morning ‘til night, and winner of the Deus 2nd Annual 9ft & Single Log Fest was finally crowned… congratulations Harrison Roach! Massive thanks goes out to everyone who made this year’s Log Fest one of the best weekends of the year at the Temple, you all know who you are! And for all of you that couldn’t make it, well, I guess you can watch the video to see what you missed out on…